The Charlotte (NC) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. was chartered on June 10, 1944. It was the 49th alumni chapter established by the Fraternity and the only chapter established in 1944.
The first initiate was J. Eugene Alexander on November 15, 1947.

The Charlotte (NC) Alumni Charter Line Members were:
Paris P. McCorkle (Alpha Epsilon – 12/7/1929), Carson H. Beckwith (Alpha Kappa – 6/1/1931), Howard W. Hill, Sr ( Alpha Epsilon – 5/1/1931), William P. Malone (Alpha Kappa – 12/21/1931), Dr. Robert F. Green (Upsilon – 5/1/1935), C. Arthur Anderson (Alpha Epsilon – 11/12/1930), Reverend Herman L. Counts (Alpha Epsilon – 11/12/1930), Joseph F. Towns (Alpha Epsilon – 12/7/1929) and Andrew J. Rollins*.
Dr. J. Eugene Alexander was the first initiate in 1947.
The nine charter members above, along with Brother J.E. Alexander, the first initiate, and Brothers John W. Brown, Sr. (Beta Sigma -12/12/1947) and Jefferson W. Woods (Tau – 5/1/1948) formed the nucleus of the chapter.
These determined men decided to plant the Kappa Alpha Psi flag in North Carolina’s southern piedmont. Influenced by a burning desire to continue to live out their Fraternity’s grand purpose, the fruits of their labor remain in plain view even now. Desegregating public facilities and local schools, improving healthcare, creating national service programs, promoting personal advancement, developing community leaders and providing unparalleled hospitality are just a few collective hallmarks of our chapter.
The chapter has initiated more than 250 men into our Grand Fraternity since 1948, who have gone on to make contributions, both large and small, to the Fraternity and our community.